SOAPBOX of the week: full-throttle wellness

“Your body is the only thing you are guaranteed to keep for a lifetime; if you have your health, anything is possible.”     -Dan Millman, author

YOU are the sole driver of that intricate vehicle called your body …whose care instructions are written clearly on the inside:  Fuel with nutritious foods and water; rev it up and run it outside daily, get regular check-ups, and rest when needed. Simple, huh?  Yet too many of you ignore the GLARING RED SERVICE LIGHT and wonder why the other crucial “parts” of your life …like family or career…are sputtering along as well.  Folks, if you want more LIFE out of your life, ante up at least the same amount of preventative maintenance you give your car!  Rewire your mind and body.  Get a tune-up.  Heck, get an overhaul and enjoy an even longer ride in luxury!  After all, there’s no such thing as being too healthy!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile & a network TV talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: identity crisis cure

“He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints.”     – Joan Brannon, TV writer and producer

Admit it.  You’ve been a follower of someone  at some point in your life.  Be it sibling, spouse, teacher, boss, best friend…even leader or icon.  And with high hopes, you’ve perhaps fallen into path out of loyalty or fear, ignorance or insecurity -for want or need of recognition or trade secrets, first dibs or fast track, attention or acceptance.  So, how has the walk in the shadows really served you?  More importantly, though, are you still trying to gather benefits at the cost of erasing yourself?  Think about how the mimicry, modeling and mistaking have even harmed you.  At some point, you may walk nameless to yourself and truly unidentifiable to all others.  Folks, don’t get blurred behind someone’s shadow; after all, who knows what may really lurk within it, the bad included.  Instead choose to create your own path.  Find you.  Honor you.  Stomp the earth and leave your mark and let ‘em know your name!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile & Kimberlie’s own network talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: tattooed for life

 “What you memorize, you memorialize.”     – Anonymous   (often credited to ND  Walsch, author)

Whether your first sweetheart’s phone number, your favorite song, or big acceptance speech, you’ve chosen to etch these things into your mind for timely safe-keeping.  Yet years later, buried convolutions release their imprints your call, and elicit surprising delight.  But it’s not the content, nor the fact that you remember it verbatim that elates your spirit.  Instead, your smile, laugh and peaceful pause for reflection evolve from the unfolding of the celebration surrounding such snippets.  When you commit anything to mind, you emphasize its importance to your heart.  Honor the influential people, places, experiences, and messages that graciously fill your moments and pay tribute to yourself by tapping the enlightening power of those memories.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ’09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions for mobile & Kimberlie’s own network talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: a humble request from Kimberlie Dykeman

Ok, folks.  What if I turned the tables on you and asked YOU to get on your proverbial soapbox?  Not because I have run out of quotes.  Not because it’s a contest to get your ditty into my next book.  Not because I felt lazy today.  But, honestly, because I need a cleansing jolt of motivation from you.  Yes, even the SOAPBOX Queen has off-days, let alone weeks and months, that throw a wrench in her life and upset her seemingly untiring positive attitude.  (Remember: Every doctor becomes a patient now and again.)  And in paradigm-shifting times like these, I believe it’s absolutely paramount to be honest, if not radically transparent, about these human-nature occurrences.  After all, covering up the truth only allows for it to rear its ugly head later…and we all know it ain’t pretty!  So, I am volleying the ball into your collective courts, friends; asking for your timeless and timely words of wisdom, mantras, and uplifting mementos for a needed boost of hope, excitement and unyielding belief that anything’s possible.  Thank you!



Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

CHECK OUT NEW SOAPBOX inc offerings 

SOAPBOX of the week: America, the HUMAN dream takes hope, honesty, hard work

“The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It gives human beings a sense of destination and the energy to get started.”  – Norman Cousins, political journalist & world peace advocate

Ponder the tragedies and tough times you’ve witnessed and weathered.  For some, it’s pocked with divorce, disease, joblessness, legal drama and family battles.  For all, though, it includes the fall-out of 9-11, the epidemic of cancer, the corrosion of our environments, the collapse of our economy.  The far-reaching emissions of these evils nearly suffocate us to helplessness, leaving an impossible-to-fix aftermath.  Ah, but up from the rubble comes a survivor, proving yet again the human spirit is indefinitely indefinable, unyielding and awe-inspiring!  But with the unifying power of hope cometh the echoing call for hard work to rebuild, reboot and reclaim.  It takes discipline to lean down wants and buckle-down for the battle of needs.  It means being radically transparent in communication, which takes asking, sharing, voicing for the greater good.  It means preparing for new ideas, alternatives and eventual growth, which takes resourcefulness of all our surroundings.  And it means trusting that seeds already planted will net positive change… and that takes courage.  Know that generations have done this for us countless times; now it’s our time, folks, to dig ourselves out, and return the favor.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

CHECK OUT NEW SOAPBOX inc offerings 

SOAPBOX of the week: til death do us part

“It’s not that I’m afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”     – Woody Allen, actor and director

Death and taxes.  The only two surefire things in life. Though some Vegas regulars and sports fanatics may preach differently.  And while Uncle Sam keeps us whining and strategizing about the latter, our fear-filled culture grants only mumbled tones of “passing-on”, in private settings and intimate moments.  Funny thing, though, is that unlike taxes, we cannot evade death.  At some point reality face-jams us with the irrefutable fact that we’re all immortal.  And the more fear the passing of time, it seems to tick even faster, scooping away youth and presumed opportunity.  Be it old age, a fluke accident, or valiant yet failed fight, we’ll all exit stage left at some time and in some fashion.  Of course, you can choose to personify its coming via the grip of the Grim Reaper or the loving embrace of the grace of God.  Of course, you can avoid the topic in the safety of blissful ignorance.  Or you can invite the comedy, celebration and conversation about the, literally, life-changing event of death.  It might just add more humor, appreciation, understanding, and life to your life.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to