SOAPBOX of the week: decision dilemmas

“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”     – Leon Carr, songwriter and composer

Yes, folks, it can be that simple.  Yes, I know that every darn morning your brain is assaulted with a barrage of decisions  –some tedious, some time-sensitive-  but all begging your attention.  And, with society’s bigger-better-faster demands and endless opportunities, things ain’t going to change any time soon.  But too many times, you morph this molehill of line items into a mountain of challenge-filled chores.  An elementary choice of “A” or “B” becomes buried beneath self-obligation to research options, check trend forecasts, reference social circles and even  (dare I say?!)  ask Mom!  And when you step back to note that all this nonsensical nerve-wracking is over things as unimportant as cereal selections and suitcase packing… it’s painfully funny, right?   Well, folks, don’t make things more complicated than they intrinsically are!  Ask yourself what sounds good, feels right, or just suits your mood.  Trust your gut, check off the list, and get on with the REAL business at hand… actually enjoying the life you are choosing.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.   

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

COMING in late ‘09-’10: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: be the ball, Danny

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”    – Henry Ford, inventor and innovator

It’s hard not to miss, isn’t it?  The God-awful wallpaper of challenges, failures and plain ole negativity “decorating” the path towards your prized pinnacle of being a successful little entrepreneur with the next great idea!  The naysayers projecting their own fears.  The intimidating competition.  The economic climate and trends.  The first job you got fired from.  Sexism, racism, and double standards.  Your unsupportive family.  The time, energy, connections and money…you don’t seem to have enough of.  The degree you don’t have.    The kids you’re trying to raise….alone.  The fact that you’re petrified to speak in public and wouldn’t know a proper business plan if smacked you in the face.  Your age, weight, looks, and last name.  Yup, it’s hard not to notice the oodles of obstacles.  That is, of course, if you let them divert you from your purpose.  So, don’t!  Stay the path, friends, and obligate yourself to continuing with clarity and fastidious focus and the distracting walls of worries will fade from sight. 


Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: peaceful profundity

“Silence is golden.”     – Anonymous

Enough said.


Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: ode to happiness

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It means you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections.”     – Anonymous

Relax and open your mind to embrace and absorb this overtly fundamental, yet life-saving concept of candor. Grab hold of its depth and pour a pitcher of happiness in acceptance of your current reality. Then wade into the flood of prompting prose and choose tidal change over drowning correction.

Create bolder. Rescue braver. Shine brighter.
Explore broader. Relax calmer. Fight cleaner.
Speak clearer. Follow closer. Lounge cooler.

Breathe deeper. Save earlier. Travel farther.
Run faster. Dream fiercer. Commit firmer.
Pray forever. Trust freer. Retreat fresher.

Laugh fuller. Befriend gentler. Celebrate grander.
Think greener. Cook healthier. Practice harder.
Fly higher. Treat kinder. Donate larger.

Stay up later. Eat leaner. Pack lighter.
Sleep longer. Hang looser. Sing louder.
Write neater. Play nicer. Walk prouder.

Forgive quicker. Preach quieter. Share richer.
Drive safer. Dress sharper. Plan simpler.
Chew slower. Owe smaller. Discipline softer.

Reply sooner. Aim straighter. Sweat stricter.
Kiss sweeter. Serve swifter. Stand taller.
Hug tighter. Lavish thicker. Build tougher.

Perform truer. Touch warmer. Smile wider.
Dance wilder. Spend wiser. Act younger.
Work smarter. Feel stronger. Look better. Live longer.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.  This vignette is an excerpt from “Pure Soapbox… a cleansing jolt of perspective, motivation, and humor” .   Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)


SOAPBOX of the week: the sign says PULL, folks!

“Act without doing; work without effort.”     – Tao te Ching by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu

Did you ever push too hard only to have the metaphorical swing come back and hit you dead-on in the chin?  Liken this to the self-inflicted searches for insight and inspiration from a bag of stale fortune cookies.  Sometimes you’ve just got to let the meaning find you.  Forcing profundity or comedy is like putting spoiled cream in your long awaited morning cup of coffee.  It tastes like crap… and wastes a perfectly good setup.  Be you.  Be open.  And sip slowly.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: fears take flight

“There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror.”     – Orson Welles, actor-director-producer

Puddle-jumper and jumbo jet alike, you’re packed in like sardines encased by fake air, fake food and fake hospitality.  Seated cheek-to-cheek, you resume the practiced process of popping gum and punching last minute texts.  Amidst a motley crew of complete stranger, you can’t help but wonder why each is traveling on the same skycap cruise and what they’re thinking as you taxi toward takeoff.  So what are YOU thinking?  Will the turbulence reek tremors in your tightly-wound mind?  Will you sit idle and unfazed?  As your own “shift” sets in, be it anxiety or apathy, you look for comfort in numbers.  But, whether you white-knuckle it or wade through it like a boring movie, the only common denominator in the used-to-be friendly skies is collectively surrendering your “control card” for a fake sense of security.  And that, my friends, puts us ALL on the same planet.  Whether you leave Earth or not, feeling a loss of control or not caring about having it all -is in every moment of this thing called life.  The flight ain’t the deciding factor at hand here; your choosing how to face the journey is.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile & a network TV talk show