SOAPBOX of the week: life’s tapestry of teachers

“For every person who wants to teach there are approximately thirty who don’t want to learn – much.”     – WC Sellers, author and humorist

Ain’t that the truth!  And I wouldn’t doubt for a second that every one of you could rightfully confess a time when you indeed were that aggravating, non-receptive student.  But at some point, I hope, you’ve dropped the rebellious, disinterested, lazy attitude to embrace not only the teachings…but also the teacher.  Who, by the way, aren’t all huddled up in crowded middle school classrooms.  Folks who are driven to “teach” are everywhere.  They’re in boardrooms, churches, libraries and at conferences… just as they’re at the flea market, performing on stage, or cooking at a local restaurant.  That said, if you seek to learn, those who bless you with their experiences and worldly knowledge, will in turn watch their very own horizons expand.  Give them a chance to share and you’ll both profit for life.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile & a network TV talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: full-throttle wellness

“Your body is the only thing you are guaranteed to keep for a lifetime; if you have your health, anything is possible.”     -Dan Millman, author

YOU are the sole driver of that intricate vehicle called your body …whose care instructions are written clearly on the inside:  Fuel with nutritious foods and water; rev it up and run it outside daily, get regular check-ups, and rest when needed. Simple, huh?  Yet too many of you ignore the GLARING RED SERVICE LIGHT and wonder why the other crucial “parts” of your life …like family or career…are sputtering along as well.  Folks, if you want more LIFE out of your life, ante up at least the same amount of preventative maintenance you give your car!  Rewire your mind and body.  Get a tune-up.  Heck, get an overhaul and enjoy an even longer ride in luxury!  After all, there’s no such thing as being too healthy!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile & a network TV talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: tattooed for life

 “What you memorize, you memorialize.”     – Anonymous   (often credited to ND  Walsch, author)

Whether your first sweetheart’s phone number, your favorite song, or big acceptance speech, you’ve chosen to etch these things into your mind for timely safe-keeping.  Yet years later, buried convolutions release their imprints your call, and elicit surprising delight.  But it’s not the content, nor the fact that you remember it verbatim that elates your spirit.  Instead, your smile, laugh and peaceful pause for reflection evolve from the unfolding of the celebration surrounding such snippets.  When you commit anything to mind, you emphasize its importance to your heart.  Honor the influential people, places, experiences, and messages that graciously fill your moments and pay tribute to yourself by tapping the enlightening power of those memories.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ’09: SOAPBOX® video subscriptions for mobile & Kimberlie’s own network talk show

SOAPBOX of the week: the sounding grace of almighty truth

    “Truth is not a soundbite.  You have to stick around for the whole conversation.”     – Mary Anne Williamson, Author

Truth is innately simple. Almost naively so.  It presents itself without airs, fanfare, or candy-coated shell.  It is what it is and yearns to be hung out there as bare as possible.  When it becomes the center of attention in this divine, pure state, lives are changed immensely and tremendous things happen.  But when manipulated by the hands of society, the reduced, remixed version never reveals the whole story.  Beware but be open to researching the context and the real face-value of the words truth has been buried in…or omitted from entirely.  Stop, look and listen and the truth will come in loud and clear.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman 

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.  Fabulous news updates at Pure Soapbox Newsroom.   A portion of the proceeds from all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

SOAPBOX of the week: Fabulously flawed you

“When you love yourself, you forgive your own imperfections.”    – Marilyn vos Savant, magazine columnist

There’ll come a day when you stop agonizing over your love handles, crow’s feet and crooked tooth.  When you embrace your obsession with a clean car and dressing–on-the-side.  And when you can tell both your boss and your in-laws that they’re darn lucky they’ve got you!  That’s the day when you shift your own paradigm –finally accepting 100% of the YOU you’ve become…wrinkles, weird habits and all.  It’s perhaps one of the most powerful perspective changes, for it opens the door to the 2nd part of your life…where you realize the value of your perfectly imperfect self and can now focus outward on all the good stuff that’s been waiting to include you.  So, learn to love and you’ll love to live.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08

SOAPBOX of the week: Transcend the abyss of remorse

“The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take.”     -Anonymous

All the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s… confetti your life with little black holes of what might have been storybook memories.  A laundry list of experiences you’ll never get to laugh about, only shake your head in wondering what if.  So was playing it safe worth sleepless nights?  Not speaking your mind.  Declining that dance.  Not voting.  Not graduating.  Leaving the New Year’s party early.  Not quitting that horrible job.  Not going back to school.  Not telling the truth.  Not saying “I love you”.  Regardless, it all comes down to choices, not circumstances.  Stop stockpiling the regrets…you’ll block out the light of promise and possibility, and probably a heckuvalotta tears of joy and laughter.  Instead, leap with the faith that you’ll land on both feet…and stomp out that burning curiosity.  Then pull out those celebrations plans!

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08