SOAPBOX of the week: Transcend the abyss of remorse

“The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take.”     -Anonymous

All the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s… confetti your life with little black holes of what might have been storybook memories.  A laundry list of experiences you’ll never get to laugh about, only shake your head in wondering what if.  So was playing it safe worth sleepless nights?  Not speaking your mind.  Declining that dance.  Not voting.  Not graduating.  Leaving the New Year’s party early.  Not quitting that horrible job.  Not going back to school.  Not telling the truth.  Not saying “I love you”.  Regardless, it all comes down to choices, not circumstances.  Stop stockpiling the regrets…you’ll block out the light of promise and possibility, and probably a heckuvalotta tears of joy and laughter.  Instead, leap with the faith that you’ll land on both feet…and stomp out that burning curiosity.  Then pull out those celebrations plans!

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08

SOAPBOX of the week: Humility is priceless

 “Poverty is a lot like childbirth –you know it’s going to hurt before it happens, but you’ll never know how much until you experience it.”     – JK Rowling, author

If you know the frightful sound of your last coins rubbing together… then we’re on the same page.  And it’s tough to say which is more painful – not having the basics for civilized living, or having to ask someone, especially family, for some of theirs.  Losing everything at once or stuck struggling to fight the bleakness of poverty is humility in the making …and stinks of pride and judgment.  Pride of the suffering.  Judgment of those who label, shun and ridicule the population of have-nots.  Ironically, though, those who survive and rise up from the trenches are both blessed and truly aware.  Alas, it is the “privileged”who are cursed with the naivety of just how close they themselves might be to the bottom rung.  Lesson at hand, folks?  Take the high road whatever you bank account reads.  And remember to always count your blessing while counting your pennies.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman

SOAPBOX of the week: Comedy, the great connector

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”     – Victor Borge, humorist
The feeling is priceless.  Someone cracks a joke and you’re doubled over in uncontrollable laughter.  Wait!  Stop!  Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much and in that brilliant moment… a connection is made.  The playing field is leveled.  You and this person are one with the world and life is good!  So what then is that magic you experience?  It’s your inner child reemerging to make an indescribable human bond that you can never get enough of.  You realize you both have a pulse, a sense of humor, fears, hopes, embarrassing moments, a yearning to belong, a love of life.  If mere laughter can ignite this gorgeous chain reaction… I say, bring on the one-liners and draw in a crowd. 

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  launches June 25 !  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman

SOAPBOX of the week: Cause and effect

    “You don’t lose your balance unless your life is out of balance.”     – Arthur Smalls, musician

Whoa, easy does it!  Now get your legs back.  How many times have you stumbled, dusted off and dismissed the lingering negative side-effects of a fumble or spill?  And each time your reaction is the same: “I don’t how it happened…it just snuck up on me!”  Not really, folks.  That cold you caught, fender-bender you caused, snide remark you made to your spouse, big mistake you made at work, birthday you forgot.  Those tremors emerge when you’ve lost your handle on your place, priorities and purpose.  They’re warnings that there’s a surefire quake on the horizon.  My advice: assess your terrain, friends.  Fill in the holes, patch the fences and tend the gardens.  Take care of the needs of your home turf and harmony will keep you on your toes…safely.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox launches June 25 !  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman


SOAPBOX of the week: Surrender to the universe

    “Patience is the greatest of all virtues.”     – Dionysius Cato, Latin moralist and writer

Think back to a bittersweet reference, in which a relentless “I want it now, Daddy” produced frighteningly blueberrious results.  Supporting the premise, that immediate gratification indeed has a wonderful aroma, but it’s the aftertaste that’ll come back to haunt us.  Sometimes we think time and circumstances are plotting against us, so we might as well charge forward!  When you acknowledge your role in both opportunity and challenge, patience, as boring as it sounds, is your trump card time and time again.  For it upholds the truest concepts of life: awareness, honesty and responsibility.  So, quiet your demands and desires with a blend of courage and timidity and allow yourself to receive the gifts which the Universe already has up its sleeve for you.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox launches June 25!  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman

SOAPBOX of the week: test the waters, folks

 “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”       -T.S. Eliot, poet

Do the words “high-dive” conjure up a memorable moment or two?  As a kid, it meant “infinity and beyond!”  But not impossible! And as you trekked to the top your brain filled with an unnerving fear of the unknown.  Still, you pressed upward and savored the satisfaction in taking the leap!  Proving again that curiosity and courage make a powerful pairing…but not just for kids.  Sooo… be a little reasonable: reach beyond your comfort zone.  Climb above fear and judgment.  Pursue an adventurous life and the exhilarating splash might just drive you on to your next stunt.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox launches June 25!  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman