SOAPBOX of the week: fears take flight

“There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror.”     – Orson Welles, actor-director-producer

Puddle-jumper and jumbo jet alike, you’re packed in like sardines encased by fake air, fake food and fake hospitality.  Seated cheek-to-cheek, you resume the practiced process of popping gum and punching last minute texts.  Amidst a motley crew of complete stranger, you can’t help but wonder why each is traveling on the same skycap cruise and what they’re thinking as you taxi toward takeoff.  So what are YOU thinking?  Will the turbulence reek tremors in your tightly-wound mind?  Will you sit idle and unfazed?  As your own “shift” sets in, be it anxiety or apathy, you look for comfort in numbers.  But, whether you white-knuckle it or wade through it like a boring movie, the only common denominator in the used-to-be friendly skies is collectively surrendering your “control card” for a fake sense of security.  And that, my friends, puts us ALL on the same planet.  Whether you leave Earth or not, feeling a loss of control or not caring about having it all -is in every moment of this thing called life.  The flight ain’t the deciding factor at hand here; your choosing how to face the journey is.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

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SOAPBOX of the week: waste not, whine not

“That which you resist, persists.”     – Anonymous

So, what are you staring at?  And why?  If you don’t want that which is causing upset, is tempting you with unwise choices, or leading you to poor judgment …don’t think about it.  Energy flows where attention goes, and perpetual avoidance or procrastination only fuel the emotionally charged lure to that bad habit or decision.  The result?  Dissatisfaction, disappointment and a greater distance from that which you do want.  The solution?  Stop trying to stare down your “created competition.”  Instead turn away and toward a chosen creation.  What manifests will multiply your joy and hold your gaze indefinitely.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

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SOAPBOX of the week: Elbow-greased excellence

“Practice is the best of all instructors.”  – Publius Syrus, writer

Any coach, parent, authority figure, guru –or gas station attendant, for that matter- could bless you, with information to do something, get somewhere, or fix a problem.  As a perpetual student of life, you waste gobs of time sifting through data that ties you to the classroom and demands further analysis.  Meanwhile, the meat-n-potatoes real world waits as you put your experiential life on hold.  Folks, gathering info doesn’t equate to learning, nor will it yield the wisdom that comes from getting your hands dirty.  Only one thing will.  Practice.  Applied trial and error reveals your weaknesses and strengths and delivers the celebration of self-discovery.  In the end, you wear the hat of both student and teacher…and it looks good on you.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

CHECK OUT NEW SOAPBOX inc offerings 

SOAPBOX of the week: freedom in forgiveness

“To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by a bee.”    – Anon.

So the story goes: somebody did you wrong and you’re ticked and keeping score.  To err may be human, you think, but this one’s inexcusable.  Revenge is in order…or at least the silent treatment!  And in one fell swoop, spite invades your body and distracts your mind with anger, resentment and ego and an unyielding agenda for self-preservation.  Your choice to neither forgive nor forget fills your spirit with funk and erases years from your very lifeline.  When you aim to crucify another for wrongdoing, ironically, the bigger wrong is done by you.  Folks, drop the grudge and wipe the scoreboard, ‘cause it’s only time until the show is on the other foot.  Lessons learned in absolution now will save both face and friendship.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman 

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.

A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.