SOAPBOX of the week: freedom in forgiveness

“To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by a bee.”    – Anon.

So the story goes: somebody did you wrong and you’re ticked and keeping score.  To err may be human, you think, but this one’s inexcusable.  Revenge is in order…or at least the silent treatment!  And in one fell swoop, spite invades your body and distracts your mind with anger, resentment and ego and an unyielding agenda for self-preservation.  Your choice to neither forgive nor forget fills your spirit with funk and erases years from your very lifeline.  When you aim to crucify another for wrongdoing, ironically, the bigger wrong is done by you.  Folks, drop the grudge and wipe the scoreboard, ‘cause it’s only time until the show is on the other foot.  Lessons learned in absolution now will save both face and friendship.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman 

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