SOAPBOX of the week: here’s what you should do…

 “I owe success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.”     – Gilbert K. Chesterton, writer & philosopher

Right when you least expect it…someone will hurl their unwelcomed “good” advice at you.  Seemingly angled at steering you in the right direction, the carefully wrapped “gift” explodes all over your finely pressed outfit, like an over-filled water balloon whose time has come.  Time and time again friend, family and foe alike lob misguided guidance and unfounded opinions, half-expecting you to follow to safe face …and yet ready to spew an “I told-you-so” when you fall and fail to what they would have done.  So what’s a person to do?  Well, what many of you have been doing all along!  Follow your gut!  That built-in alarm system that’s kept you on your toes and kept you from fumbling through some of the most taxing times of your life.   Somehow, it’s always right.  And although your steadfast sixth sense may not shield you from the inflatables yet to douse your next crossroads decision, it may very well steer you far away from those who sit ready to launch.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: the 4-letter word

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President

Manischewitz, that’s it!  THE big idea of the 20th century that allowed an entire population to see the proverbial light and follow a leader to the mountain!  Through one of the darkest times of American history, one mantra may have indeed helped hope float, creating a life preserver to carry a nation to the next decade.  A trite, seemingly simplistic statement, it stands without need for correction, for it upholds an inherent truth ad infinitum.   Life will always present us with obstacles, dangerous situations, threats, nightmares, heart-wrenching decisions, upsetting results, and yes, the realization of our own mortality.  And, no doubt, the relentless realist in you may crave to discredit this famous assertion, arguing the endless list of potential problems and negative possibilities should warrant panic and protection.  But you won’t get an email headlining just when all hell will break loose… let alone, if at all, folks!  So call it what you will: terror, dread, worry, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, reverence, or utter petrification –the shadow FEAR casts has the undeserved power to ruin so many magical moments life is indeed also readying to deliver with dawn’s beaming light.  Choose to deny it such debilitating control and allow your eternal optimist to unabashedly embrace this leader’s plausible, though perhaps fairytale-like enlightenment.  Forever choose faith over fear and you reinforce your own authority of leading a life of memorable “aha’s!” versus “ut-oh’s!” 

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: ohmmmmmmmm

“Should you desire the great tranquility, prepare to sweat white beads.”   – Hakuin Ekaku, 17th century Zen Master

Ooohhh, leave it to one of the most influential Buddhists of all times to lay it out there without pretenses or patience for excuses!  Indeed, you aren’t always given the reigns of control… and must simply deal with it!  Like a Mac-user waiting on a Microsoft download, you grasp the feeling of standing, with hands tied by Father Time, fighting the twitches in your furrowed brow. Now… replay some of those experiences when you freakishly fast-forwarded to the finish line, only to get sent back to the beginning.  Like opening the oven door on a prized soufflé … the results are tastelessly inferior and you end up infuriated at yourself!

Sitting on your hands…yes, like you were scolded to do as a kid… can and does keep you out of trouble.  No doubt it may cause acid reflux, but time after time, practicing patience adds another layer of faith that reinforces your trust in yourself and others.   Learn to tolerate the oh-so-uncomfortable, un-quiet quiet and your body, mind and spirit will experience the lighter, enlightening action of waiting.  Sweat it out, my friends, and take pleasure in the peace.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: break the holding pattern

“The future has no lobby.”     –  Peter G. Peterson, banker, author, and politician

Let me say that again.  The future HAS NO LOBBY.  Period.  There are only two rooms, in the biosphere of life: A, the present and B, the past.  That’s it.  No need for a hallway to connect them, since everyone ultimately passes from A to B.  And certainly no warmly-lit foyer sprinkled with comfy loveseats, droning Muzak, and artificial arrangements.  So, look around. Is your current reality room housing countless anxious awaiters sporting falsely-at-ease facades? Are your relationships revolving around the collective glorious plans yet to be?  Are you stuck in unresolved, record-skipping conversations while sipping free crappy, no-name coffee and banking that the next someone who enters will indeed ignite your future now?  Sorry to be the kill-joy, but there’s a reason why all the People magazines are nine months old.  You’ve parked yourself in the past, where a pie-in-the-sky future-perfect will never manifest.  See, opportunities and potential blessings can only be seen clearly through the windows of the present.  …and that drive-through is always open!  So, stop idling in your own history.  Leave the lobby-in-your-mind and truly experience a here-and-now worthwhile…that you didn’t grow old waiting for.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week: proclamation of emancipation

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”    – Janis Joplin, singer- songwriter

Are you living cage-free?  Sounds like a silly question, right?  But think about it.  After all, we are all divinely blessed with sovereignty over our choices.  And yet, so very many of us invest out time, energy, efforts, and emotions in obsolete, inconsequential “things” and, unknowingly, impound and chain ourselves to their immovable, valueless positions.   SO I ask you: 

If you are not free of debt, have you lost your priorities?

If you are not free of pride, have you lost your place in society?

If you are not free of distractions, have you lost your discipline? 

If you are not free of conflict, have you lost your communication?

If you are not free of guilt, have you lost your value system?

If you are not free of fear, have you lost your ability to love?

If you are not free of worry, have you lost your faith? 

If you are not free to speak the truth, have you lost your voice?

A “yes” to any of these doesn’t forever fence you in.  Heck, if anything, a confession of self-containment might just smack you upside the head and prompt you to fly the coop without hesitation.  And in acknowledging what indeed needs to be shed, you’ll understand just how to swaddle yourself in what is worth becoming your second skin…and immediately notice how much “lighter” living can feel.  So, start sloughing, bust through the barricades and embrace the vitality of emancipation.


Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week: age-old action-reaction

The meaning of good and bad… is simply helping or hurting.”      ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet

  Such a simple statement, which no one can debunk.  You and I both know, it ain’t tough to find “evil” lurking about.  Temptations and trickery, loopholes and white lies, judgments and limitless opportunities for self-serving joy.  And when we ourselves participate in creating, delivering or supporting such bad thought, words, and works, we do damage to people and the planet at large… only to have it circle right back to our own backyards.  I only pray that the karmic boomerang effect ultimately instigates change in your choices.  Conversely, it’s tough to argue or ignore the gratification that rushes in when you do good, right? The excitement in the wonderment of how far the ripple will stretch and even a rejoicing in tapping your own power to help!   That said, there’s an everlasting supply of this  glorious feeling at your fingertips.  For it’s the by-product of simply doing good…and there’s an opportunity around every corner, folks.  So seek them, seize them and spread ‘em with love!

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG. 

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587