SOAPBOX of the week: Spirit of survival

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.”     – Gospel of Thomas

Our entire lives, we’re consumed with acquiring “the right gear” to survive “the game of life.”  We prepare for rough terrain, erratic weather, restless natives, and, of course, limited supplies!  Then we create safe havens in which to hide and hoard our gear.  It’s always all about “the stuff’ you can “stuff” around you.  Yet, when it comes down to brass tacks, the toys and tools aren’t your saving grace.  What is…is the “stuff” within you.  Gut instincts, a sense of humor, personal faith, the drive to succeed, integrity and the ability to love.  Trust that it’s exactly what you need to navigate safely, and your abundant stash will never run out.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online, where books are sold.

SOAPBOX of the week: Fabulously flawed you

“When you love yourself, you forgive your own imperfections.”    – Marilyn vos Savant, magazine columnist

There’ll come a day when you stop agonizing over your love handles, crow’s feet and crooked tooth.  When you embrace your obsession with a clean car and dressing–on-the-side.  And when you can tell both your boss and your in-laws that they’re darn lucky they’ve got you!  That’s the day when you shift your own paradigm –finally accepting 100% of the YOU you’ve become…wrinkles, weird habits and all.  It’s perhaps one of the most powerful perspective changes, for it opens the door to the 2nd part of your life…where you realize the value of your perfectly imperfect self and can now focus outward on all the good stuff that’s been waiting to include you.  So, learn to love and you’ll love to live.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08

SOAPBOX of the week: Unharness your heart

“The heart has the ability to experience so much –and we don’t have much time.”     – Jack Gilbert, poet
There’s always tomorrow, right?  At least that’s what we always ignorantly say.  And we’ve allowed our analytical, compartmentalized minds to brainwash our hearts to run on the same autopilot.  Think of all those times you stopped just short of saying or doing something that would’ve delighted your heart.  Delayed gratification ain’t all it’s cracked up to be; because while you’re holding out for the “perfect one” or the “right moment”, your heart loses out on the experiences that would grow it exponentially.  Funny, how you’ll neglect your emotions for the sake of your thoughts.  Isn’t it time to find a balance?  After all, you don’t know how much time you’ve got left.  Folks, the mind is a terrible thing to waste – and so is the heart.  So relinquish the reigns and relish the results.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08

SOAPBOX of the week: Transcend the abyss of remorse

“The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn’t take.”     -Anonymous

All the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s… confetti your life with little black holes of what might have been storybook memories.  A laundry list of experiences you’ll never get to laugh about, only shake your head in wondering what if.  So was playing it safe worth sleepless nights?  Not speaking your mind.  Declining that dance.  Not voting.  Not graduating.  Leaving the New Year’s party early.  Not quitting that horrible job.  Not going back to school.  Not telling the truth.  Not saying “I love you”.  Regardless, it all comes down to choices, not circumstances.  Stop stockpiling the regrets…you’ll block out the light of promise and possibility, and probably a heckuvalotta tears of joy and laughter.  Instead, leap with the faith that you’ll land on both feet…and stomp out that burning curiosity.  Then pull out those celebrations plans!

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!   Nationwide 07.22.08

SOAPBOX of the week: Humility is priceless

 “Poverty is a lot like childbirth –you know it’s going to hurt before it happens, but you’ll never know how much until you experience it.”     – JK Rowling, author

If you know the frightful sound of your last coins rubbing together… then we’re on the same page.  And it’s tough to say which is more painful – not having the basics for civilized living, or having to ask someone, especially family, for some of theirs.  Losing everything at once or stuck struggling to fight the bleakness of poverty is humility in the making …and stinks of pride and judgment.  Pride of the suffering.  Judgment of those who label, shun and ridicule the population of have-nots.  Ironically, though, those who survive and rise up from the trenches are both blessed and truly aware.  Alas, it is the “privileged”who are cursed with the naivety of just how close they themselves might be to the bottom rung.  Lesson at hand, folks?  Take the high road whatever you bank account reads.  And remember to always count your blessing while counting your pennies.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman

Pure Soapbox  now available!  Site of TV Personality Kimberlie Dykeman

Dalton Publishing Earns National Distribution for Kimberlie Dykeman’s PURE SOAPBOX

Dalton Publishing inked a national deal with Midpoint Trade Books, a national book distributor in New York. Dalton founder Deltina Hay says the Austin-based publishing company’s strong presence at this year’s world-renowned BEA Book Conference in L.A. earned the nod of one of New York’s hardest working distributors.  For over a dozen years, Midpoint has focused its talent and energy on helping independent publishers build successful publishing programs in the trade marketplace.

What does this mean for Kimberlie Dykeman and Pure Soapbox, the first title launched under Dalton’s new imprint, Wiggy Press?  A vastly-reputable source will now pitch and supply Pure Soapbox to the national chain bookstores and beyond, as well as provide much more exposure to the overall national publishing world market, including schools and libraries.  This, combined with the efforts of KD herself, the publisher, and soon-to-be signed publicity firm, will be the powerful push essential to garner national recognition across broad consumer demographics. PURE SOAPBOX  launches 6.25.08.  Available where books are sold!