SOAPBOX of the week: the hummmmm of humanity

“Are we not formed, as notes of music are, for one another, though dissimilar?”     ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet

Forever we’ve heard the echoing plea…WHY CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? …urging us to examine our separate-but-equally responsible roles in society’s rampant, ruckus-like cacophony.  Yet it’s still like pulling teeth to purposefully set our differences aside in hopes of chiming a groove that might just mollify the masses.  Perhaps confounded technology compromises our communication skills; perhaps Gen X, Y, Z and Pi haven’t been taught just how to name that tune in four notes.  And perhaps, we are just looking for excuses, folks.  Peace is a gift we can (and should) share with one another…whatever age, color, nationality, educational reach, religious path or financial strata we tattoo on our skin.  But for all to benefit, we must want harmony; want our individual notes to jive together; want to create more than just a temporal little ditty.  And it starts with you.  So, acknowledge the beauty and idiosyncrasy of yourself as an essential note in the symphony of the planet.  Work to weave a never-ending opus that has the power to last beyond your lifetime…and crank up the tunes you’ve helped create.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

Get it in gear and  BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE   your peeps!

SOAPBOX of the week: shhhhhhh

“Never miss  a good chance to shut up.”

~ Cowboy wisdom


zip it.



Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

Get it in gear and  BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE   your peeps!

SOAPBOX of the week: here’s what you should do…

 “I owe success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.”     – Gilbert K. Chesterton, writer & philosopher

Right when you least expect it…someone will hurl their unwelcomed “good” advice at you.  Seemingly angled at steering you in the right direction, the carefully wrapped “gift” explodes all over your finely pressed outfit, like an over-filled water balloon whose time has come.  Time and time again friend, family and foe alike lob misguided guidance and unfounded opinions, half-expecting you to follow to safe face …and yet ready to spew an “I told-you-so” when you fall and fail to what they would have done.  So what’s a person to do?  Well, what many of you have been doing all along!  Follow your gut!  That built-in alarm system that’s kept you on your toes and kept you from fumbling through some of the most taxing times of your life.   Somehow, it’s always right.  And although your steadfast sixth sense may not shield you from the inflatables yet to douse your next crossroads decision, it may very well steer you far away from those who sit ready to launch.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: full plate of prosperity

“The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it’s the opposition.”   – Nick Seitz, golf commentator and author

Ask any successful, wisdom-filled entrepreneur what they fill their metaphorical fueltank with each morning and you’ll get the same answer:  anything that contests their goals and has the potential power to thwart their passionate mission.  Waking yet again to tireless, cutting-edge competition and volatile market trends, close-minded pessimists and their very own doubtful demons, they choose to sit down and devour the plateful like a steaming stack of flapjacks with a side of crisp bacon.  So what about you?  Certainly, you can’t ignore, avoid or shoo away the existence of antagonists; nor do you have to be another rat in the rat race, leveraging negativity, dishonesty and manipulation.  Oh, but you don’t have to be someone’s dinner either.  Perhaps it’s time you pushed aside that depleted duo of Wheaties and wheatgrass (or whiskey for some of you!) and instead extracted the high-octane from such meaty rivals.  Choose to tap that energy to maintain honesty, community and compassion in your ambitious pursuits and you’ll find opposition, in its truest nature, undoubtedly drives you to create an even greater champion within you.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: the 4-letter word

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President

Manischewitz, that’s it!  THE big idea of the 20th century that allowed an entire population to see the proverbial light and follow a leader to the mountain!  Through one of the darkest times of American history, one mantra may have indeed helped hope float, creating a life preserver to carry a nation to the next decade.  A trite, seemingly simplistic statement, it stands without need for correction, for it upholds an inherent truth ad infinitum.   Life will always present us with obstacles, dangerous situations, threats, nightmares, heart-wrenching decisions, upsetting results, and yes, the realization of our own mortality.  And, no doubt, the relentless realist in you may crave to discredit this famous assertion, arguing the endless list of potential problems and negative possibilities should warrant panic and protection.  But you won’t get an email headlining just when all hell will break loose… let alone, if at all, folks!  So call it what you will: terror, dread, worry, anxiety, alarm, apprehension, reverence, or utter petrification –the shadow FEAR casts has the undeserved power to ruin so many magical moments life is indeed also readying to deliver with dawn’s beaming light.  Choose to deny it such debilitating control and allow your eternal optimist to unabashedly embrace this leader’s plausible, though perhaps fairytale-like enlightenment.  Forever choose faith over fear and you reinforce your own authority of leading a life of memorable “aha’s!” versus “ut-oh’s!” 

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.


SOAPBOX of the week: ohmmmmmmmm

“Should you desire the great tranquility, prepare to sweat white beads.”   – Hakuin Ekaku, 17th century Zen Master

Ooohhh, leave it to one of the most influential Buddhists of all times to lay it out there without pretenses or patience for excuses!  Indeed, you aren’t always given the reigns of control… and must simply deal with it!  Like a Mac-user waiting on a Microsoft download, you grasp the feeling of standing, with hands tied by Father Time, fighting the twitches in your furrowed brow. Now… replay some of those experiences when you freakishly fast-forwarded to the finish line, only to get sent back to the beginning.  Like opening the oven door on a prized soufflé … the results are tastelessly inferior and you end up infuriated at yourself!

Sitting on your hands…yes, like you were scolded to do as a kid… can and does keep you out of trouble.  No doubt it may cause acid reflux, but time after time, practicing patience adds another layer of faith that reinforces your trust in yourself and others.   Learn to tolerate the oh-so-uncomfortable, un-quiet quiet and your body, mind and spirit will experience the lighter, enlightening action of waiting.  Sweat it out, my friends, and take pleasure in the peace.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.