SOAPBOX of the week: less stuffed, more satisfying

“Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product.”     ~ Eleanor Roosevelt, social activist and writer

Pull up an eggnog and hear me out. And so begins the once-a-year mad rush. The hunt for the perfect gift. Fighting crowds for last minute preparations. Those of us not hurrying home for Christmas are cramming in last minute get-aways. ‘Tis the season of joy and merriment, now on sale for $69.99, aisle 5. Alas, the holiday spell rears its alter-ego, Hallmark-ed ugly head. From the sounds of it, you’d think we were readying ourselves for the fight of a lifetime, damned and determined to make this celebration more memorable and more star-studded than the last. But this year’s traditionally frantic, albeit festive holiday season is decorated in a different set of lights.

Unfortunately, some of us find ourselves, yet again, up against bosses and bills, deadlines and waiting lines. Ironically, this time of supposed glee surfaces another year’s memories, sweet and bitter alike. Earning its own chapter in our collective personal history books, sometimes we stand in awe of the tough times and negative events that altered the very backdrop of The Big Picture. Many of us even take to re-evaluating, re-booting, and re-uniting in hopes of making the neighborhood, let alone this world, a better place. But to our dismay, the pressures of our bigger-better-faster high-tech society yank our global gaze back to an unyielding state of chronic stress. Weighed down, perhaps, by the loss of family, friends, jobs, and financial security, our ability to regain a natural balance stands compromised, and we wonder what can transform this into a happy holiday again.

Well, if the glass appears half-empty, I can tell you right now, if you pray each year that good ol’ St. Nick will overstuff your stocking with happiness, you might as well ask for a Lego erector set to go along with it. For, I have a hunch that you’ll need a few colorful tools, and perhaps the magic of Rudolph’s shiner, to bring this intangible notion into sight as a sparkly new toy under the tree. With little reservation, I propose that a wish for a state of equilibrium tops our common holiday lists. So perhaps this is opportunity knocking, egging you to take the reigns and pursue your own path toward surviving and thriving. Admittedly, giving to others is paramount on your mind, but if you’re yearning for a healthier state of mind and for the clouds to clear, you’ve got to give to yourself. And time is of the essence. When you re-learn how to take care of and reward yourself, your valuation of self in relationship with everything and everyone around you will profoundly change, and you’ll find your needy glass filled with the spirits of true joy.

You have the power to dictate your experience during the holidays. You must make it a time of relaxing, reflecting, and rejoicing in how far you’ve come each year in all aspects of your life. If you fail to give to yourself, you’ll rob yourself of the opportunity to attain balance and genuine happiness and embrace the coming of a healthy new year.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.  This article contains a copyrighted excerpt from Kimberlie Dykeman’s book PURE SOAPBOX …a cleansing jolt of perspective, motivation, and humor.   Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   AUDIO BOOK COMING JANUARY 2010!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.   SUBSCRIBE HERE!

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE your company!  310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week: heartless smear vs. honored silence

“Airing one’s dirty linen never makes for a masterpiece.”     – Francois Truffaut, filmmaker

A week scarcely goes by that our ears and eyes are bombarded by yet another public confession of transgression.   Tabloids showcase a celeb’s rehab trip; while a breaking news update places a politician’s pilfering habits and abusive antics in the limelight.  Closer to home, water cooler gossip reveals coworkers’ drinking problems; while congregations are abuzz over another pastor’s adulterous escapades.  Indeed in each truth-bearing catharsis, the convicted character’s “come to Jesus” moment for a cardinal sin is due acknowledgment  – especially when disclosed to family and friends in aim of accountability and atonement.  But broadcasted spillage, be it for publicity or simply the sake of a cleansed conscience, rarely paints a pretty picture; and once it’s “out there”, one can never take it back.  Along with the ensuing disturbance for victim and innocent bystander alike, the evidence of offence floats forever in one’s surroundings and negatively impacts all who swim by.  Point being: your own divulgence shouldn’t become another’s devastation.  Society’s fishbowl may righteously reveal all in the end, but privacy ain’t a four-letter word.  If anything, it’s a work of art to be admired.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE your company!  310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week:intoxication of a pastime

“Passion is all about allowing yourself to get lost in something.”     – Gail Sheehy, writer and lecturer

Picture an artist covered in paint, a cook in sauces and spices, a mechanic in grease.  Picture a writer surrounded by stacks of books, an athlete by gear and sneakers, a musician by sheet music and instruments, a pilot by model airplanes.  At times, each has become so involved in their craft, hobby or dream that they’ve forgotten time of day, list of tasks, even title on their business card.  Whether it’s their chosen vocation or weekly vacation from the daily grind, these folks aren’t merely “distracted” or dabbling …they’re captivated, in love and lost in something indescribable.  So what about you?  What makes your heart sing?  Brings divine peace and joy?  Commitment to something OTHER THAN your j-o-b, family or obligations is not only allowed…the passion it ignites fires up all other areas of your life.  And if society tells you to ease up, clean up or clear out your fabulously consuming “messes”…tell ‘em to go get lost!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE your company!  310- 500- 9587

COMING SOON!  Pure Soapbox  audiobook!

SOAPBOX of the week: be a little curious, folks!

“The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him.”     – Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

It absolutely baffles me when a one-word answer is supposed to suffice an intricate, open-ended question.  Infuriates me when my further soul-searching queries elicit merely an “I don’t know” or “I don’t care.”  Do we live on the same planet, folks??  ‘Cause here’s the newsflash: Outer space is still uncharted, cancer still uncured, man’s evolution still controversial, prayer miraculously healing, jazz still indefinable, and love indescribably infinite.  And yet countless people numbingly walk the earth, unabashedly unfazed with this journey through time and space we call “life”.  The dimensions of their reality equals a monotonous grey amidst an endless Crayola-ed potential.  But with all this stated in truth, may we not mock the colorblind, though we might pity them.  Instead may we each task ourselves to seed their curiosity to explore; cultivate their excitement to experience more; nurture their hearts and souls with drive to find their own purpose.  For as their minds grow, so does your own mysteriously, glorious existence.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING SOON!  Pure Soapbox  audiobook!   SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: open sesame!

“A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart.”     – H.W.  Dodds, former Ivy League President

Ever notice how, with age, some folks mellow out –revealing a welcoming softness to their once ego-driven, impenetrable personalities.  Something shifts inside, and an Aquarian flow brings malleability to their attitude and actions.  As their hearts warm and their minds open up, relationships are reconstructed, ancient wrongdoings are patched, and futures are mapped out with joyful participation.  Oh, but then there are the finger-pointing polar opposites whose minds and bodies harden with the years, and whose acidic spirits strip the delight from all lifelines.  The weight of their unyielding judgment and fear creates chasms that grow uncrossable, and they themselves- unapproachable and unlovable. If we’re to learn from others’ worn paths, mind this dichotomy with piercing attention.  Countless people will cross your path yearning to connect with your head and experience your heart.  Choose to let them in, and they’ll help gloriously shape your life.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING SOON!  Pure Soapbox  audiobook!   SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: varicose values

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”    – Malcolm Forbes, publisher

So, you’re not a millionaire, not married, not famous, not a Harvard grad, not the neighborhood Martha Stewart or Ward Cleaver, not sporting a 6-pak and an Olympic Medal.  Hmm.  DO you even remember when these “line items” became the ultimate brass rings to pursue?  And what if they never do become your reality?  Would you be less valuable or treated better by those folks who really matter?  At some point, you chose to pedestal these iconic titles, characteristics and achievements, and in doing so unknowingly backhanded yourself, diminishing the quality of you!  Now, what if you are a dedicated worker bee or entrepreneur?  Are patient for just the right person to come along?  Are investing daily in your health and wellness?  Have earned the respect of your community and coworkers?  Stand wise beyond your years from the school of life?  Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your portfolio and acknowledge the tremendous gains you have made.  Folks, set-in-stone, lofty goals can only overshadow your maturing greatness –indeed keep striving, but always celebrate the currency of your current reality.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.   

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)