SOAPBOX of the week: thankful for Peanuts

Peppermint Patty: What kind of Thanksgiving dinner is this? Where’s the turkey, Chuck? Don’t you know anything about Thanksgiving dinners? Where’s the mashed potatoes? Where’s the cranberry sauce? Where’s the pumpkin pie?”

Marcie:  “Don’t feel bad, Chuck. Peppermint Patty didn’t mean all those things she said. “

Charlie Brown: I don’t feel bad for myself, I just feel bad because I’ve ruined everyone’s Thanksgiving.”

Marcie:  But Thanksgiving is more than eating, Chuck. You heard what Linus was saying out there. Those early Pilgrims were thankful for what had happened to them, and we should be thankful, too. We should just be thankful for being together. I think that’s what they mean by ‘Thanksgiving,’ Charlie Brown.”


As always, we can learn a lot from kids…if we’d only listen.

An excerpt from “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” (TV show, 1973) Created and written by Charles M. Schulz.  Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!   “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.  BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE   your peeps!

CONFESSION of the week

     So, here it goes… a confessional to the masses…however many folks are really reading my little craftings of the cranium each week.  I am not a narcissistic twittaholic assuming that my every proclamation and lame diurnal activity deserves a marquis and has a crowd clamoring for their release.  Nope.  I’m just a gal who figured out the power of words when she was a little kid, and who feels that writers, motivators and true thinkers who came before have passed the metaphorical baton to me. 

     So now, here I am.  Here you are.  We are here.

     But let me first start with a back-story.  When I first began writing my Monday SOAPBOX Edition…waaaaay back in 1999, I had a captive audience.  Actually, “captured” was probably a better descriptive, as my readers were the folks doling out cash for my coaching, constructive criticism, and killer workouts to attain some kind of life change.  My musings were equally for me as they were for them, scribbled each Sunday in reflection of what the roller-coaster of life had recently delivered… a great conversation with a stranger, a kick-in-the-gut breakup, a birthday surprise, a crossroads decision still hovering, a sweated-out goal finally attained.  So with pencil in hand and heart on sleeve, I had a conversation with myself and anyone who cared to read and listen.  I wrote to motivate, to entertain, to educate folks to live life to its fullest and become active citizens with true purpose and unshakable optimism.  And every week I simply felt good about trying more, doing more, believing more and loving more.  I lived my purpose.

     It’s almost a dozen years later, and I am still living my purpose.  Sure the landscape has changed, and I’ll confess the roller-coaster has thrown me off the whole damn ride a few times, but I am still here with pencil in hand and heart on sleeve.  So what’s different?  Well, I’ve had an incredible coaching business, run a marathon, become a TV host and producer, moved cross-country twice, returned an engagement ring, done infomercials in the Philippines (yes, you read that right), become an aunt, survived L.A., been published, gained weight, interviewed Elton John, survived a hit-and-run accident, and joined the God Squad (a.k.a. become a Christian).  But in re- reading my last SOAPBOX® ditty (prompted by a caring friend), I realized I wrote it to myself implicitly.   I’ve made living out my mission a challenge in and of itself, viewing it like a battle to win instead of a puzzle to figure out and solve one piece at a time.  My plans look more garbled than ever; my decisions are based out of fear; my own optimism has been shaken; and I rarely take time to acknowledge my accomplishments, my gifts and my need for rewards, rest and recharging. 

     So, where does that bring me…and perhaps you, if you come along for the ride?

     Well, I am cleaning out the clutter and starting from scratch.  Kimberlie Dykeman Enterprises will officially launch in 2011 and it means a whole fresh spin on the SOAPBOX® brand.  A new website for all my undertakings will launch, laying a foundation for more interactive elements.  The SOAPBOX® blog will feature videos of vignettes of past mini-motivations, man-on-the-street interviews, and submissions from readers.  Want to get on your own soapbox and share a story that enlightens, engages and educates others…you’ll have your chance.  It’s pay-it-forward and pass-it-on, folks.  So stay tuned…more details and surprises en route.

    Net-net: I have changed.  My perspective has changed. The world has changed.  But my purpose is still the same …it’s just been taken apart and reassembled to work, in a word, better.  I am here to motivate, entertain and educate you to live your life to its fullest and become an active citizen with true purpose and unshakable optimism.  Try more, do more, believe more, love more.  Thank you for being here with me. 

Now, CARPE DIEM… and bring a helmet! 


SOAPBOX of the week: refresh your formula

“The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.”     ~ Don Marquis, American humorist & journalist

     When asked for the proverbial “recipe for success” most folks ramble off a regurgitated list of requisites, like hard work, networking, tenacity; perhaps a gameplan and willingness to make sacrifices….and toss in a pinch of faith.  Yup, a practical concoction of generic brand components that makes for a yet pathetically tasteless formula.  Like Aunt Marva’s annual casserole that no one has the heart to tell ain’t worth the reused take-out tin that it’s in.  But, dare I say, I think what’s infinitely more important is identifying which ingredients should be eighty-sixed from your pantry indefinitely.  I mean, how long have you been trying to concoct a killer soufflé of success with a grocery list of a sedentary lifestyle, ex-spouse issues, fear of failure and lack of accountability?  Do you really think combining poor organization, procrastination, and no rewards or relaxation will fluff up into a batch of mouth-watering, enviable delectables?  So stop tossing the same crap in your cart!  You don’t have to be Martha or Emeril to realize the results you seek.  Clean out the cluttered cupboards and coolers and start from scratch, folks!  A fresh, bold, more vivid perspective will open up a whole new world and empower you to cook up a truly fulfilling, flavorful life. 

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

Get it in gear and  BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE   your peeps!

SOAPBOX of the week: 154 million strong

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”     – Theodore Roosevelt, US President

Tis Labor Day, the day we honor all the folks that hustle each and every day.  Even after the demise of our economy over the past two years, more than 154 million still shed blood, sweat and tears still roll up sleeves to roll in a paycheck.  Whether you’re juggling 2 part-time positions, clocking a solid 40, or riding the entrepreneurial roller coaster,   you contribute to the welfare of this massive nation and your own little neighborhood all the same.  That said, I challenge you to REALLY THINK ABOUT the social and economic contributions that you, a vibrant, strong American worker bee, have made to the growth, wealth, and prosperity of this country.  My pop used to say that hard work never killed anyone!  Perhaps the opposite is moreso the truth. So take this day to reflect, reconnect and rejoice at the opportunities that knock at your door each day, then dive right back in with your hair on fire and believe that your labor is a gift that keep giving .   


Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week: scheming success

“When you know what you want the whole world conspires you to achieve it.”    – Paulo Coelho, lyricist & novelist

News flash, folks.  You are standing in your own way.  Mhmm.  At least your negative thoughts are.  Don’t believe me?  What does it take to make you believe that “the system” is against you?  That life is doling out a Groundhog’s Day serving of Murphy’s Law with a side-order of hell-in-a-hand-basket sandwich?  Truth is, the real answers may lie in the fact that you still don’t know who you are, what you want or what your true purpose is, and you’re EXPECTING the universe to hand-deliver a silver platter of solutions with an entourage of screaming fans.  So, Negative Nancy, what if you deleted those paranoiac judgments of an unyieldingly undermining world and considered all the things that are going right for you and setting you up for a killer day?!  

Connect the dots and reality paints a whole new gloriously positive picture; and with it comes enlightenment and a resolute path of vitality and clarity.  Perhaps then you’ll even choose to upload a new theory -one that will indeed lift your spirit with the compelling concept that the world is working synergistically and symbiotically in your favor…one person at a time!  Around town, and perhaps around the world, random individuals are spreading your good name, sharing your information, completing tasks, investigating opportunities, and getting people talking… all for your benefit.  Yup… people are conspiring FOR YOU.   Working unsolicitously and hoping that others get fired up about your solid reputation, your brilliant work, your fresh ideas, your steadfast friendship…hell, even your stunning, perhaps quirky, smile!  Pair a positive clear outlook with this presumed glee club of personal advocates, and there’s nothing you can’t achieve.  Trust that at any moment, life is creating people who are indeed rooting for you …working to bless you beyond your imagination.  So, cheer up, wake up, wise up, and ring the damn bell!

Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587

SOAPBOX of the week: proclamation of emancipation

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”    – Janis Joplin, singer- songwriter

Are you living cage-free?  Sounds like a silly question, right?  But think about it.  After all, we are all divinely blessed with sovereignty over our choices.  And yet, so very many of us invest out time, energy, efforts, and emotions in obsolete, inconsequential “things” and, unknowingly, impound and chain ourselves to their immovable, valueless positions.   SO I ask you: 

If you are not free of debt, have you lost your priorities?

If you are not free of pride, have you lost your place in society?

If you are not free of distractions, have you lost your discipline? 

If you are not free of conflict, have you lost your communication?

If you are not free of guilt, have you lost your value system?

If you are not free of fear, have you lost your ability to love?

If you are not free of worry, have you lost your faith? 

If you are not free to speak the truth, have you lost your voice?

A “yes” to any of these doesn’t forever fence you in.  Heck, if anything, a confession of self-containment might just smack you upside the head and prompt you to fly the coop without hesitation.  And in acknowledging what indeed needs to be shed, you’ll understand just how to swaddle yourself in what is worth becoming your second skin…and immediately notice how much “lighter” living can feel.  So, start sloughing, bust through the barricades and embrace the vitality of emancipation.


Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email  HERE!
Pure Soapbox“ available nationwide & audiobook available on iTUNES &!  A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG

BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE  your peeps! / 310- 500- 9587