SOAPBOX of the week: One is the loneliest number

“We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, we find it with another.”  – Thomas Merton, author and social activist

We’ve all heard the adage: no man is an island entirely of himself.  You cannot fully experience yourself, find out who you are, until you experience who you are not.  From that the delicious fruits of life unfold.  What is of importance and priority.  What affects your heart.  Moves you to love or fear.  After all, a reflection of self only echoes back your perception.  But interaction with family and strangers alike chapters a whole new dimension to your reality- as it is….and could magically become.  Never abandon your devotion to soul-searching and peaceful solitude;  instead, though, weave your discoveries with those you cultivate through priceless communication.  Purpose, then, finds you through connection and creates a memoir certain to top the Best Sellers List. 

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman