SOAPBOX of the week: starving for serenity?

    “The possession of material riches, without inner peace, is like dying of thirst while bathing in a lake.”    – Paramahansa Yogananda, yogi & guru

Chances are you may have attempted to “buy into” this enlightening mentality at some point.  Yet when surrounded by want-filling, subliminal messaging where “more is better”…it’s an uphill battle!  And the engulfing greed can mold us into materialistic followers- overstuffed on the outside; unfulfilled on the inside.  This does not mean salvation comes from the shedding of the “stuff”… after all, a wannabe, martyr-like gesture is just band-aid therapy for the evil root.  The enriching point is simple: Fill what’s empty.  Empty what’s full.  Too often we expect purchases and possession to make up for our inner deficits of love, attention, respect, loyalty, harmony, fellowship…the list goes on!  Instead, max out your spending of time, energy and efforts in focusing inward to create fullness.  Quench your thirst with fresh appreciation of the people, places, and experiences that have magically crafted your life.  Folks, sanctuary doesn’t come from a sales guy.  Understand  that, and relish the returns of priceless peace of mind. 

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

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SOAPBOX of the week: peaceful profundity

“Silence is golden.”     – Anonymous

Enough said.


Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.        SUBSCRIBE HERE!
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.   A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: faithfilled sense of humor

“It is a test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.”        – Gilbert Keith Chesterton, journalist and novelist

Here’s a theory I propose that blankets many a serious topic: If you’re confident and content with your opinion, belief and commitment to something, be it politics, family, art or, yes, the “R” word, should the little digs or full-on sarcastic comedic routines still ruffle your feathers?  Essentially, if you know “where you’re at” with your religion, shouldn’t the one-liners just roll off?  Well, think about it, folks: as human beings we intrinsically screw-up, exaggerate and over-Hallmark the customs, costumes and communications within each category…and we can’t help but produce our own comic strips!  So, I say, seek and secure your FAITH in your chosen religion.  Take this seriously, for it is a lifelong anchor.  But allow for a giggle or guffaw as well, for our imperfections are funny and make us all wonderfully human, and in need, indeed, of what faith can give us!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.  

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: inflate your cranium capacity

“The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold.”     – Glenn Doman, author and educator

How wonderfully ironic, huh? Proof positive are times we “cram” in preparation for some big exam, presentation, event, heck even to impress someone with our supposed knowledge! And, it works! But, might I suggest another option to these “force feedings”?! How about purposeful pursuit of new info …without prescribed reason? And how about making it a habit? Folks, there are some amazing things out there for you to learn, which in turn enhance your skills, earnings, opportunities and understanding. But even better, they in turn create more joy, energy, creativity, love and success in your life. And, while this grows, so does the capability of your noggin to create space for even more. So though you may never reach full, the fabulous results while trying are sure worth it!

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman.  

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

COMING in late ‘09: Network TV talk show  and SOAPBOX® video subscriptions  for mobile (Click for sneak peek!)

SOAPBOX of the week: waste not, whine not

“That which you resist, persists.”     – Anonymous

So, what are you staring at?  And why?  If you don’t want that which is causing upset, is tempting you with unwise choices, or leading you to poor judgment …don’t think about it.  Energy flows where attention goes, and perpetual avoidance or procrastination only fuel the emotionally charged lure to that bad habit or decision.  The result?  Dissatisfaction, disappointment and a greater distance from that which you do want.  The solution?  Stop trying to stare down your “created competition.”  Instead turn away and toward a chosen creation.  What manifests will multiply your joy and hold your gaze indefinitely.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to

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SOAPBOX of the week: Elbow-greased excellence

“Practice is the best of all instructors.”  – Publius Syrus, writer

Any coach, parent, authority figure, guru –or gas station attendant, for that matter- could bless you, with information to do something, get somewhere, or fix a problem.  As a perpetual student of life, you waste gobs of time sifting through data that ties you to the classroom and demands further analysis.  Meanwhile, the meat-n-potatoes real world waits as you put your experiential life on hold.  Folks, gathering info doesn’t equate to learning, nor will it yield the wisdom that comes from getting your hands dirty.  Only one thing will.  Practice.  Applied trial and error reveals your weaknesses and strengths and delivers the celebration of self-discovery.  In the end, you wear the hat of both student and teacher…and it looks good on you.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.
A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to