SOAPBOX of the week: The future of our past-tense

“History gets thicker as it approaches recent times.”     – A. J. P. Taylor, historian and journalist

Alas, history invariably repeats itself, proving the scholars and cynics right, time and time again.  Pun intended.  It’s as if the mirroring years were plucked from the past and layered right over the present; a heavy cloak, bringing with it economic struggles, familial strife, environmental trauma, global conflict, and basic issues of human evolution.  Indeed, it doesn’t take a genius to acknowledge the pattern.  But…purposefully paying mind to this replication might just prompt you to see its place in your own independent life.  Meaning, your own history repeating itself.  Meaning, witnessing the funk you’ve caused, experienced, or dodged…show up again!  Are there some lessons you would-could-should learned by now?  Conversely, have you forgotten all the glorious things that also happened along the way…and how you woulda-coulda-should helped them reproduce?  Perhaps, those fearsome forecasters wouldn’t lay on the guilt that we’re unavoidably doomed for burnt toast if we just worked smarter at getting the recipe right the first time around.

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman 

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