SOAPBOX of the week: back-handed band-aid therapy

“If you give a man a fish, he will have a single meal.  If you teach him how to fish, he will eat all his life.”     – Kwan-Tzu, philosopher

Almost seems like a catch 22 …choose to swiftly take care of a situation for immediate relief or take the time to invest more energy, effort and resources to stave off the same darn predicament from resurfacing again and again.  Quick fixes always appear more attractive –because they’re easier and deliver the instant gratification we all presumably seek.  Ah, but that which you “nip in the bud” with band-aid therapy usually comes back to bite you in the end, with a bigger challenge.  The project of creating a teacher out of a student is wisdom in the making.  And whether you’re the giver or the receiver, the benefits of the experience will linger to sustain you indefinitely.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Kimberlie Dykeman
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