Dykeman’s PURE SOAPBOX channel

PS.com mainheaderThe official launch of the PURE SOAPBOX channel will be in late Fall at puresoapbox.com, and will feature two series: SOAPBOX® Shot in the Arm and EVOLVE or DECAY.  Two very different shows, but through both I want to speak to the men out there who’ve been seeking a genuine and consistent shot in the arm- of stories, insights, wisdom and wit that encourages, uplifts and inspires them to look beyond the stress that’s eating away at their lives.  And to ultimately get fired up about the choices and changes they can indeed make to regain influence over their circumstances to become a better man, sharper leader, more communicative spouse, more compassionate friend, more inspiring father and overall more courageous human being.


And, of course, Kimberlie Dykeman: Coach I Confidante I Wingman has officially relaunched. I am indeed driven to save the high-touch elements of face-to-face human interactions, authentic communications and nonsensical pursuits of joy. My success stories prove my science & observation-based methodology which leverages the tried and true foundational guts of yesteryear- when folks said “please”, families ate dinner together, neighbors actually knew each other, exercise was not a 4-letter word, handwritten thank you notes were mailed frequently, and folks solved problems by SPENDING MORE TIME TOGETHER and ACTUALLY TALKING. My niche focus of gentleman executives, leaders and entrepreneurs is completely based on the trickle-down theory: a healthier, happier and more hopeful man of influence will ripple positive changes throughout his circle of authority and entire social village.

So jump on over to KimberlieDykeman.com to learn about Dykeman’s progressive offerings.  ~ KD