SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: the game of greed

Tis the season for shopping til you’re blue in the face (or until someone pepper sprays you!)… stockpiling your baskets and SUVs with stuff many of  you really cannot afford , let alone even need… and, ultimately, stuffing away your Grinch-like feelings of greed and receipt-laden guilt.  But who’s to blame for your frenzied, Black Friday addictive actions?  

“Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising.”   – John Lahr, drama critic

Surely not the scheming stores and malevolent marketing execs… for YOU bought into the game again!  YOU drove yourself to the store at 3AM!  YOU are still trying to top last year’s gift giving.  YOU still have your priorities out of whack.  Yup, I said it. 

Remember: too much will always be too much.  And the goods ain’t so good  if they only bring out the bad  in us.        ~  KD 


Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book, KINDLE and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: how ironic!

“Irony is God’s way of reminding us who’s really in charge.”      ~ Kimberlie Dykeman

Very few things can smack you upside the head in such a way that you let out an involuntary cartoon-like sound as your little brain rattles to find its balance again.  Being on the God Squad, I KNOW I ain’t the captain… yet I can recall plenty of times when I thought I was at the helm, egotistically assuming the turns in the road.  And then…SHAZAM!

Invariably, I try to figure out the “how” and “why”- even piss and moan a bit- but eventually surrender to the truth.  I mean, that’s really the only peaceful play for any of us.  Right?  After all, who’s to say that the thing that happened or didn’t happen was the perfect gamechanger, wake-up call or seed to be sown that you never could have choreographed, let alone anticipated.  Gotta love that.  Indeed, life is not meant to be dissected, like a butterfly on the wheel…it is to simply be lived.

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book, KINDLE and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: practice makes perfect-sense

Just a few simple words…

Stuck thinkin’ ?  Start doin’ !  Application brings satisfaction of getting your hands dirty, getting your heart pumping, and giving your noggin a break.  Cheers to breathing life into your learning, friends.    ~ KD

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book, KINDLE and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: the cost of tooting

Can I ask you a personal question?  Do you …toot? 

Got your attention, huh?!  But when I say toot I mean do you toot your own horn?  Before you jump on me and deny that you could ever be slammed as a boaster, a braggert, a gloater or grandstander… here’s a second question to ponder.  Do you know the difference between peacocking your latest laundry list of achievements in search of applause… and simply stating your status for the sake of keeping your personal and professional peeps up to speed?   Mind you, it’s truly a subjective analysis and a fine line, perhaps at that.  Of course an immensely guilty party is the web if social media sites relentlessly fueling the fire by seducing the masses to tweet, toot, and tell-all ’til they’re blue in the face (while raking in the billions, of course!).  Alas, you can’t live with ’em, you can’t live without ’em, right?  So, my soapbox point is, as usual, a mere confession of amusement and careful observation, followed by a prompting to hold up one’s own mirror and tell yourself the truth:  Do you toot??  Take a few extra moments to listen for and consider the responses to your raving and reveling, and you’ll see if indeed you’ve blurred the line in your favor…but against the ears of others.     ~ KD

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book, KINDLE and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: huh?

“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”    ~ Mark Twain
Net-net, folks:  SAY what you MEAN.  MEAN what you SAY.    We have over one million words in our English language from which to choose.  So, don’t be careless or lazy or lame.  Be care-FUL and selective…perhaps even picky… when picking the declarations (and mutterings) that will run off your tongue.  If language is what truly separates us from animals, well then the right words just might separate you from the misspoken masses. 
Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book,  audiobook and Kindle are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: motivation defined

Today’s treat is part of a project being started by my pal Kevin McCrudden… the man who pushed to have January 2 established as National Motivation & Inspiration Day!  So I created a few little ditties for him…

Motivation.  Some folks like to toss them into the same basket with a lackluster, clichéd definition of  “that get-up-n-go-attitude”.   Yawn.  Worse still is the scenario, for far too many people, wherein they forgot what a sensation of uplifting drive and unstoppable vision  really feels like.  If you don’t know what a duck looks like, walks like or sounds like…you ain’t gonna find a duck anywhere.  Got it?  Perhaps it’s time you add a colorful and undeniably memorable definition to YOUR picture of MOTIVATION and see just how it takes shape in your daily life.  ~ KD  Support Kevin’s efforts at TheMotivationStation

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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