SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: truth be told

Truth be told…and the truth is the only thing that matters in the end.  Right?     ~ KD

 Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: you’re not excused

Soooo… last week I got sucked into watching snippets of a reality show about unabashedly, morbidly obese folks who engage with some self-proclaimed “guru trainer” on-and-off for one full year to lose weight (i.e. not continue to drive themselves toward the Grim Reaper with food).  Ironically, the priceless nugget of wisdom which I gleaned came from the angst-filled contestant…not the expert! 

“Until you run out of EXCUSES, you’ll never become the best you can be.” 

Perhaps it was one of those right-time, right-place, right-words…RIGHT NOW scenarios…but it got me right in the gut, like a good ole Yogi Berra-ism.  I took out a neon green sheet of paper and wrote the profoundly obvious statement down, as if it were a canon of eternal success!  Too many of us interchange valid reasons with lame excuses, letting the victim in us get off scot-free.   It’s not until we have to pay the piper that reality reveals to us the devastating results of ignorance, laziness and apathy. 

Welcome to Monday…and this face-jam of truth.  You deserve it.  I deserve it as well.  And we all can benefit from assessing and addressing our UN-reasonable list of excuses.   Cheers to your success in burning that pathetic list and grabbing the bull this week….and next!

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: Feel FREE to forgive!

     Let me guess…”FREEDOM” to you meant FREE to take off for the weekend; FREE to eat and drink to your heart’s content; FREE to sleep in and take it easy; FREE to see friends you haven’t for a while; FREE to do the American Dream “thing” and coast through a long weekend. 

Hopefully, in spots and spells, though, you respectfully reflected on the significance of July 4th…perhaps even mulled over the expansive definition of FREEDOM.  Indeed the onomatopoetic power of this simple word sings of open fields, endless choices, lawless future, and flight of the imagination. 

It also offers to drop our own chains of that which holds us back…which we have allowed to hold us back.  FREEDOM urges us to let the past go, but never forget its value.  For countless nations, including ours, FREEDOM comes from forgiveness of faults, fumbles and fights.  If our country can do it…perhaps you can stand up and do the same.


Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE! “Pure Soapbox” book and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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SOAPBOX® mini-motivation…with Pooh

     We’re always told it’s the little things in life that really matter...keep us going…reveal the greatest importance…and leave the most memorable mark on our fleeting memories.  Chances are we have that 2-second a-ha moment every other day or so.  But with the buzz of an obnoxious alarm, another day-o-decisions smacks us upside the head, and, admittedly, many of us wake and grunt through another seemingly nightmarish day (though it rarely is) towards our artifically flavored, pie-in-the-sky American dream. 

I suppose an alternative habit might be to create your own a-ha moment upon waking… I mean, it’s called WAKING UP, right?!  Perhaps a Pooh-ism might put you in the mood of change…                  ~KD


“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?”

“What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?”

“I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet.


Pooh nodded thoughtfully.  “It’s the same thing,” he said.


From Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne

Copyright 2011 by Kimberlie Dykeman.      Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE!     “Pure Soapbox” book and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.      Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

The power of suggestion… what does that really mean?  After all, depending on the suggester,  sometimes the prompt had a little more ultimatum attached, especially as a kid.  Think: authority figure.  And you probably gave a good fight.  But even now, when you’re the target of egging-on, you still stand your ground… due to ignorance, ego or just plain laziness.  So when the tables are turned, and you’re the instigator, perhaps you’ll remind yourself of the battle within.  So trust that even though the ball’s not in your court, if you keep serving…  your “opponent” might just volley back a YES!                                                 ~ KD

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE!
Pure Soapbox” book and audiobook are available nationwide . A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.
Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

You got s-k-i-l-l-s?  Really?  Then why are you still harping on yourself for not being able to this…and that… and all of those other line items?   Perhaps it’s time you let loose the suffocated child in your noggin and let it wander back to the land of  “I can do anything!”  Fifty bucks says, you’ve stagnated your system of success and forgot that your current gifts never run out of possibilities.  If nothing is truly impossible then perhap you remove that OVERSIZED word from your adult vocab and look at what it’s been hiding.    ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.
Shop SOAPBOX® products & SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed HERE!
Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.
Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!