SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

War.  Battle.  Fight.  Argument.  Pissing match.  Whatever you call it… both parties ALWAYS lose something along the way.  However big or small the drama or trauma, there is but one thing to evaluate:  the founding reason for such face-offs.  Even in our own human fabric, disagreements weave a thread of a common-sense, but it’s up to us individually to seek to understand the proverbial root of the evil.  And even moreso, to seek to change ourselves for the greater good.  Lesson learned?  Mom is always right… and perhaps, so is Gandhi!       ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

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Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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“I was blown away by her contagious energy, boundless curiosity and natural warmth. She had an incredible way of connecting with the audience and with me!”   ~ Anil Jagtani, Fmr. Sr. VP Strategy, Marketing & Development, QVC

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

Indeed it’s a heavy day for many of us.  Though we go about our responsibilities and get caught up in the mindless minutia of memos, commuting, and making a living… we are all thinking of our own special situations.  Perhaps wondering who we are and what our purpose really is; why we chose our careers; why we don’t stay close to family much anymore; and why we are lucky enough be in a warm, safe environment.  The earthquake and tsunami may have happened in Japan, but the whole world just got a little smaller.  Just like New Orleans.  Just like Haiti.  Just like …the next natural disaster.  The strength of that nation will pull them through, just as your own solitary will-to-live power does each day.  Want to help those stricken in Japan?  Pray that each and every survivor rekindles their buried “stuff” for survival and triumphs through this devastation.  And pray that this event brings us all closer.      ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE! “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG. Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

“…She is destined for big things so I would recommend getting to know her sooner than later.”  Andrew Shapter, Director, Faron West Films

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

A tip of the hat to my fellow millions of entrepreneurs, who hit 5th gear before most 9-to-5ers are barely in the office… rustling through memos about memos, nonetheless.  Cheers to your unique, never-a-dull-moment, worth every drop of sweat and tears journey … oh yeah, and congrats on the goals you attain along the way.    ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE! “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG. Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

This woman is nothing short of a powerhouse and never fails to be inspiring to those around her.  ~ L Frost, BestFit Media

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

Mistakes, mess-ups, missteps or manmade tsunamis… whatever you call ’em, know that we’ve all had ’em. AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE THEM FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES! But failures are fabulous when you stop sobbing and start recalculating just how to ring the bell on your next attempt.                         ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE!   “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.  Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

“I went to  I did not read anything.  The very first thing I did was click on the video.  Oh my gosh!  It is a good thing I was sitting down…God bless you and thank you.  I am going to go read your book now!”Brenda from Texas, speaking event attendee

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON CRAPPY THOUGHTS!!   That’s it. Period. I’m not blowing sunshine…but you, folks, might be wheezing misery and not even know it. Just saying…   ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE! “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

“Her passion and energy filled the room and really left us all wanting more.   Kimberlie really is the total package. Her book is fantastic, her speaking style is electric, but even more than that, she is a real, genuine, kind person. I am proud to know her.” – Billy Moyer, Co-founder & President of SOS Leadership Institute and co-author of Seeds of Success: A Journey from Success to Significance.

SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

     And so…..that fabulous Hallmark Day is again upon us.  (Yes, folks, it’s today!)  Of course, some sweethearts are readying to suprise a loved one…some are scrambling to make up for the past year of mistakes…and some are trying their damndest to forget Valentine’s of years past and get through this one, albeit as a solo artist.  It is to these fellow bachelors and bachelorettes that I dedicate this ditty.  Let it sink in and next year may find you CELEBRATING the day of hearts!

~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE!   “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM! i

“Every so often in life we have a chance to look up and be reminded of the kind of energy which is needed to keep us motivated, inspired and empowered. Kimberlie Dykeman is a great example of what humanity can be like when we find ourselves focused and believing in our true potential.” Dex Clay, Programming Director, Houston Living TV