“The future has no lobby.” – Peter G. Peterson, banker, author, and politician
Let me say that again. The future HAS NO LOBBY. Period. There are only two rooms, in the biosphere of life: A, the present and B, the past. That’s it. No need for a hallway to connect them, since everyone ultimately passes from A to B. And certainly no warmly-lit foyer sprinkled with comfy loveseats, droning Muzak, and artificial arrangements. So, look around. Is your current reality room housing countless anxious awaiters sporting falsely-at-ease facades? Are your relationships revolving around the collective glorious plans yet to be? Are you stuck in unresolved, record-skipping conversations while sipping free crappy, no-name coffee and banking that the next someone who enters will indeed ignite your future now? Sorry to be the kill-joy, but there’s a reason why all the People magazines are nine months old. You’ve parked yourself in the past, where a pie-in-the-sky future-perfect will never manifest. See, opportunities and potential blessings can only be seen clearly through the windows of the present. …and that drive-through is always open! So, stop idling in your own history. Leave the lobby-in-your-mind and truly experience a here-and-now worthwhile…that you didn’t grow old waiting for.
Copyright 2000-2010 by Kimberlie Dykeman. SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE!
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BOOK KIMBERLIE TO MOTIVATE your peeps! info@puresoapbox.com / 310- 500- 9587