SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

The omnipotent, ambiguous THEY say, “Art reflects life.”  And yet, the inverse is also quite right, n’est ce pas?  Certainly art is the consummate creation of beauty, concept and excellence through the exercise of human heart, hands and head.  Yet her figments of reality and imaginary worlds fuel the perpetual pool of life in giving our mere mortal skillset a divine sense of purpose.  She is indeed beyond words and, all the same, the one word… LIFE.     ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

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Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.

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“Kimberlie brings words to life, challenging, motivating – and in some cases, compelling – the audience to read or dance or eat or smell or feel or see in a way they might never have before. If you don’t believe someone can become your best friend in thirty seconds, watch Kimberlie in action!”  ~  Randy “Huey” Houston, Senior Counsel, Comcast Sports

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