SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

Indeed it’s a heavy day for many of us.  Though we go about our responsibilities and get caught up in the mindless minutia of memos, commuting, and making a living… we are all thinking of our own special situations.  Perhaps wondering who we are and what our purpose really is; why we chose our careers; why we don’t stay close to family much anymore; and why we are lucky enough be in a warm, safe environment.  The earthquake and tsunami may have happened in Japan, but the whole world just got a little smaller.  Just like New Orleans.  Just like Haiti.  Just like …the next natural disaster.  The strength of that nation will pull them through, just as your own solitary will-to-live power does each day.  Want to help those stricken in Japan?  Pray that each and every survivor rekindles their buried “stuff” for survival and triumphs through this devastation.  And pray that this event brings us all closer.      ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

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“…She is destined for big things so I would recommend getting to know her sooner than later.”  Andrew Shapter, Director, Faron West Films

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