SOAPBOX® mini-motivation

Mistakes, mess-ups, missteps or manmade tsunamis… whatever you call ’em, know that we’ve all had ’em. AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE THEM FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES! But failures are fabulous when you stop sobbing and start recalculating just how to ring the bell on your next attempt.                         ~ KD

Copyright by Kimberlie Dykeman.

SUBSCRIBE to FREE feed/email HERE!   “Pure Soapbox” available nationwide. A portion of the proceeds of all book sales is donated to LIVESTRONG.  Book KIMBERLIE to confetti your company with OPTIMISM!

“I went to  I did not read anything.  The very first thing I did was click on the video.  Oh my gosh!  It is a good thing I was sitting down…God bless you and thank you.  I am going to go read your book now!”Brenda from Texas, speaking event attendee

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