SOAPBOX® mini-motivation: Earth DAY…WEEK…YEAR…LIFETIME

Well, Earth Day and Earth Week have come and gone… and now what?  Do you go back to your old habits of driving to the corner store instead of walking; tossing everything in the garbage because your apartment complex or office still doesn’t have a recycling program; running the water while you brush your teeth?!  Folks, celebrating Earth Day isn’t supposed to be a party that you go all out for and then toss it’s memory into your rusty pile of annual “do-good” days.  You should be celebrating what EARTH PROVIDES FOR US and, in turn, making lifelong changes to ensure that this planet CAN keep taking care of us.  I hope that sometime very soon, all of us, as a connected human race, will have the ultimate paradigm shift and SEE with truly open eyes what evil we are doing to our planet and what good is IN US to change our mentality to one of appreciation, concern, and action…. every day!   ~  KD

Here is a SOAPBOX® mini-motivation from 2008 that still echoes truth today:

“To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival.”     ~ Wendell Berry, philosopher, novelist and social activist

It’s about time we stopped snickering at Al Gore, the forewarning NPR folks and tree-hugging, hybrid hippies…because they might be onto something!  It’s about time we stopped being so selfish and purposefully merged as Humankind for the simple Darwinian hopes of perpetuating our existence by strengthening our collective homebase – we call Earth!  For, not seeing is believing.  When a species of animal disappears, we must rescue braver.  When a strain of plant disappears, we must think greener.  When snowcaps are melting, swallowing up islands and life, we must conserve stricter. Amidst the chatter of economics, religion and war, don’t miss the underconversation of environment, culture and interdependent community.  My fellow EARTH-lings, we must research cleaner, protect fiercer, commit firmer, explore broader, spend wiser, educate brighter.  May we all look back after long, fulfilling lives to proclaim that we are survivors and all did our part.  It’s our time to think globally…and act globally.

Copyright 2008, 2012 by Kimberlie Dykeman.

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SOAPBOX of the week: Go green or be gone

    “To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival.”     – Wendell Berry, philosopher, novelist and social activist

It’s about time we stopped snickering at Al Gore, the forewarning NPR folks and tree-hugging, hybrid hippies…because they might be onto something!  It’s about time we stopped being so selfish and purposefully merged as Humankind for the simple Darwinian hopes of perpetuating our existence by strengthening our collective homebase – we call Earth!  For, not seeing is believing.  When a species of animal disappears, we must rescue braver.  When a strain of plant disappears, we must think greener.  When snowcaps are melting, swallowing up islands and life, we must conserve stricter. Amidst the chatter of economics, religion and war, don’t miss the underconversation of environment, culture and interdependent community.  My fellow EARTH-lings, we must research cleaner, protect fiercer, commit firmer, explore broader, spend wiser, educate brighter.  May we all look back after long, fulfilling lives to proclaim that we are survivors and all did our part.  It’s our time to think globally…and act globally.  

Copyright 2008 by Kimberlie Dykeman 

Pure Soapbox available nationwide online and where books are sold.